5 Common Bad Habits That May Be Ruining Your Teeth

Certain good habits, such as brushing your teeth and flossing, improve your dental health. However, certain bad habits can also harm your teeth. If you engage in these habits, you may be more likely to get cavities or damage your teeth. Below are five habits that have a serious impact on your dental health.

1. Using your teeth as tools.

Many people use their teeth as tools to open packages, tear things or perform other tasks that aren’t related to eating. Because your teeth are not designed for this purpose, using them in this manner can lead to problems. To avoid breaking your teeth, resist the temptation to use them as tools. Instead, look for scissors, a knife or some other item to help you.

2. Drinking coffee, soda or other acidic substances.

Acidic substances, such as soda and coffee, can break down the enamel on your teeth. Without a strong protective layer of enamel, your teeth are more vulnerable to damage and decay. When these drinks are high in sugar, the risk to your teeth is even greater. Drinking these substances on a regular basis can be very harmful.

3. Chewing ice.

Although you may enjoy chewing ice, the risk is not worth the reward. When you press something as hard as ice into your teeth, there is always a chance that they will break. The risk to your teeth is especially high if you have crowns, fillings or other dental devices in your mouth. To reduce the temptation to chew ice, consider using a straw when you drink or eliminating ice from your drinks altogether.

4. Brushing your teeth too hard.

Many people believe that when they brush their teeth, they should brush as vigorously as possible to get their teeth clean. However, brushing your teeth too hard can actually cause damage. When you brush too hard, you may damage your enamel, which raises the risk of damage and decay. Brushing too hard can also injure your gums and cause additional problems.

5. Grinding your teeth.

You may clench your teeth when you are anxious, or you may grind them in your sleep. In either case, you can damage your teeth considerably. If you think you may be grinding or clenching your teeth, you may need to wear a special device to prevent harm to your teeth. Talk to your dentist to learn more.

Another important way to protect your teeth from damage is to schedule regular dental care. Please contact Scott Evans, DDS, today to schedule an appointment.

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